Railway Jobs,there are around 6450 posts to be filled by recruiting people for various categories.
If you're one of those aspiring candidate ready to apply for RRB 2012 ,the do check this post here,
The last date for appying to RRB is 9th April 2012.
Railway Recruitment Board 2012, exam Railway Recruitment jobs, Online application Railway Recruitment 2012, RRb
Railway Recruitment Board 2012 | exam Railway Recruitment jobs | Online application Railway Recruitment 2012
Last date extension for Jharkhand PSC Assistant Engineer jobs March-2012
Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC)
- Assistant Engineer (Civil) : 83 posts+ 67 posts increased = 150 posts
- Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) : 03 + 26 posts increased = 29 posts
- Assistant Engineer (Electrical) : 06 posts
Age : 23-35 years
Application Fee : Rs 400/- (Rs.200/- of SC/ST of Jharkhand, no fee for PH candidates) can be deposited through challan in any branch of State Bank of India in Account No. 32214212734.
How to Apply : Application should be received in JPSC office through registered/ Speed post on the address of Secretary, Jharkhand Public Service Commission, Circular Road, Ranchi-834001 latest by 5.00 PM on
Please visit http://jpsc.gov.in/
Jharkhand PSC Assistant Engineer Exam Date/ Result / Solved paper/ Answer key/ Model Paper / Merit List All info
Punjab University Dental Faculty jobs March-2012
Punjab University Dental Faculty jobs, Punjab University Jobs, Dental Faculty jobs
Panjab University (PU)
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts at Dr. Harvansh Singh Judge Institute of Dental Sciences & Hospital, P.U., Chandigarh :
- Principal-cum-Professor : 01 post
- Professors : 04 posts
- Associate Professors/ Readers : 11 posts
- Senior Assistant Professors/ Senior Lecturers : 17 posts
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent to the Deputy Registrar (Estt.), Punjab University, Chandigarh on or before 03/04/2012.
Details of posts are available at http://jobs.puchd.ac.in/
Teaching posts in Karnataka State Open University March-2012
Teaching Jobs, Teaching posts in Karnataka State Open University, Karnataka State Open University
Karnataka State Open University (KSOU)
Manasagangotri, Mysore- 570006, Karnataka
Applications in 8 Sets in the prescribed form from the eligible Indian citizens are invited for the following Teaching Posts in different Departments of Studies offering various Programmes (comprising Postgraduate/Undergraduate/
- Assistant Professor : 42 posts, Pay Scale :
- Associate Professor : 05 posts
- Librarian : 01 post
application fee is Rs.200/- and the processing fee is Rs.1,000/- (for S.C / S.T Candidates the processing fee is Rs.500/-).
How to Apply : Duly filled-in application forms should reach the Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570 006 (Karnataka State) on or before 10/04/2012.
Please view http://ksoumysore.edu.in/
JBT Teachers SSA Chandigarh | 653 JBT Teachers SSA Chandigarh Last Date : 3- April-2012
- JBT (Junior Basic Teacher), 653 Vacancies for TET Qualified from Punjab/Haryana OR CTET Qualified conducted by CBSE
For weigtage of different-different qualifications, see advertisement.
AGE : The age limit for the posts of JBT is 21‐35 years. Age is to be calculated in reference to closing date for submission of application.
A (i) Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks from a recognized Board /
University and 2‐years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known).
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks in accordance with the NCTE
(Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations 2002 and2‐years Diploma in Elementary
Education (by whatever name known).
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks from a recognized Board /
University and 2‐years Diploma in Education (Special Education).
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks from a recognized Board /
University and 4‐years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
Graduation and 2‐years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known).
B Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the CBSE New Delhi/State Government
of Haryana/Punjab in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE.
C Must have passed Punjabi and Hindi at elementary level or will have to pass the same within 2 years from the date of appointment or before clearance of probation period (not applicable for the post to be filled up on contractual basis).
For complete details visit : http://recruitment.cdacmohali.
1. Online applications will be accepted from 13.03.2012 to 03.04.2012 on the website of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Society, Chandigarh i.e. www.ssachd.nic.in or www.recruitment.cdacmohali.in
2. Application fees (non‐refundable) amounting to Rs. 300/‐(Rs. 150 in case of SC) will be accepted online through challan. Candidates belonging to SC category must ensure that they have valid certificate issued by competent authority in their name. In case at the time of verification of documents it is found that certificate is not valid, their candidature will be rejected. Candidature of such candidates will not be considered under general category as they have paid less fees which is applicable for candidates of general category.
3. To submit the application, candidate has to log in, on the website of the society i.e. www.ssachd.nic.in or www.recruitment.cdacmohali.in and click on the link “Application
for the post of JBT”.
4. Any correction in the particulars can be made by the candidate himself/herself on the website up to 03.04.2012 upto 5:00 PM. For this purpose candidate has to log in by entering registration no. and password. No correction can be made by the candidate after closing date.
5. After submission of online application, registration form will be generated. Candidate has to take out two printouts of the registration form and the same has to be brought on the date of counselling along with original and photo copy of all documents.
6. Candidates are advised not to disclose password to anybody.
7. For any help for submission of online application, candidates can contact on Phone No. 0172‐6619054, 6619055 from 09:00 AM to 6:00 PM only on working days.
8. All the notices and updates will be uploaded on the website of society, as such, candidates are advised to visit the site on regular basis. No intimation through post will be sent.
9. Before applying for the post of JBT, candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement. Eligibility will be checked with reference to closing date for submission of applications.
10. Detailed instructions to fill‐up online application are available on the website of the
society i.e. www.ssachd.nic.in or www.recruitment.cdacmohali.in on the link “Application
for the post of JBT”.
IOCL Indian Oil Corporation of India – Vacancy of Technical Attendant – 10th,12th, ITI
- Salary: Rs. 10500-24500/-
- No of vacancy: 1(ST)
- Qualification: Matric/10th Pass and ITI pass from a Govt. recognized Institute. The candidate should possess Provisional Trade Certificate/ National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT in any ITI trade.
- Age limit: Between 18-31 years as on 01.03.2012
RPSC Head Master Download Admit Card / RPSC Head Master Exam 2012 Answer Keys/ Solved paper / Merit list/ Result all info
RPSC conducted the written exam for the recruitment of teachers on the post Head Masters. The exam was held on 18 April 2012. Many candidates gave this exam and now all are looking for the answer key of RPSC HM exam 2012.
The exam was conducted in two parts. Both parts had 150 question each, hope you did well in the exams. You can match your answers with the RPSC HM answer key provided by us and guess your exam result before it is announced.
Currently Our experts are working for the solution of the question paper. As soon as the RPSC HM answer sheet is ready we will publish it on this page immediately.
Till then you can like our page on facebook to get latest updates about RPSC HM exam conducted on 18th April 2012. You may ask your questions by commenting below our experts may give the answers to your queries.
IOCL Indian Oil Corporation of India – Vacancy of Technical Attendant – 10th,12th, ITI
- Salary: Rs. 10500-24500/-
- No of vacancy: 1(ST)
- Qualification: Matric/10th Pass and ITI pass from a Govt. recognized Institute. The candidate should possess Provisional Trade Certificate/ National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT in any ITI trade.
- Age limit: Between 18-31 years as on 01.03.2012
RPSC Head Master – 2093 Vacancy – Download Admit Card & RPSC Exam Syllabus 2012
RPSC Head Master Admit Card Download, RPSC, Ajmer 2012 Headmaster Vacancy of 2093 Post, RPSC Head Master Post Admit card Download and Syllabus HM vacancies syllabus |exam date
RPSC Head Master admit card- Admit card will be available on official website of RPSC. Head Master exam date- RPSC declared its exam calender.
RPSC headmaster syllabus- HM exam 2012 syllabus was declared by RPSC. You can check syllabus on official website.
LAST DATE – 10 March 2012
1. 5 year experience
2. Graduate
3.B Ed
Total post- 2093
Pay Scale -9300-34,800 Rs with 4800 Rs grade pay
Apply online form on- www. rpsconline.rajasthan.gov.in
Official website of RPSC- www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
Rajasthn Teacher GK
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